
Winner of the English Speech Contest!/英語スピーチコンテスト優勝!

  One of our students, Ayame Mochizuki, participated in two levels of the English Speech Contest so far this year. First, she entered the Akashi Cup, a Gunma prefecture speech contest. She won first place at the Akashi Cup, so on 10 December (Saturday), we went to Kofu in Yamanashi Prefecture. There, she competed in the Kanto Regional English Speech Contest. Again, she won first place. On 5 February 2023, Ayame will participate in the National Speech Contest, which will be held online. She has done a great job, and we are SO proud of her!!!


 11年生の望月彩萌さんが、輝かしい活躍をしています。まず、群馬県の明石杯というスピーチコンテストに出場し、優勝しました。その後12月10日(土)に山梨県の甲府で、関東地区英語スピーチコンテストに出場し、ここでも1位を獲得しました。おめでとうございます! 更に 2月5日(日)には、オンラインで行われる「全国英語スピーチコンテスト」に出場する予定です。

  Ayame’s speech, titled “In and Out of the Classroom,” focuses on education and the importance of students, teachers, parents, and the community. She talked about her experiences at GKA that helped her to understand the importance of student motivation, teacher approaches, parental involvement, and government support in creating the best educational environment for every student. At the end, she urged the audience to confront a problem that is ongoing, and encouraged them to find what they can do to help start improving Japan’s education system to help build the country into more of a global leader. She did an amazing job presenting her speech, and her answers to the judges’ questions highlighted the amount of time and effort she put into her speech and the thought she has given to the subject as a whole.



  While she was preparing for both contest dates, she worked with Dr. McPhail to hone her speech content and delivery skills.


Ayame’s Preparations, from Dr. McPhail:

  Ayame came to me with a rough draft of a speech that she had already written and was excited about entering into the Akashi Cup. We met several times a week to revise her speech and practice her performance. She put in a lot of work to make sure that her memorization was perfect and that her knowledge on the subject of education was at the level it needed to be to not only present on the topic but answer questions completely and competently. I am very proud of her for working so hard and for performing to the best of her ability. I know that she will continue to do very well as she progresses to the final round of the competition.




Ayame’s Comments About the Experience:

Participating in an English speech contest for the first time has been a great learning experience for me. Since I decided to speak about my career interest, educational issues, the contest is allowing me to inquire deeper into this field and my future. While practicing my speech, I focus on genuinely communicating my thoughts rather than simply reciting my script. My teachers have helped me with very specific details of my speech, such as my tone and hand gestures. I truly appreciate the support they have provided me throughout this contest. I am looking forward to seeing how well I can perform in the national contest.


 初めて英語のスピーチコンテストに参加したことは、私にとってとても良い勉強になりました。今回、私は自分の興味のあるテーマである教育問題について話すことにしたので、この分野と自分の将来についてより深く追求することが出来ました。スピーチの練習では、ただ原稿を朗読するのではなく、自分の考えをしっかりと伝えることに重点を置いています。先生方には、口調や 手振りなど、具体的な部分まで指導していただいています。このコンテストを通して、先生方には本当にお世話になり感謝しています。全国大会では、自分がどれだけ実力を発揮できるのか楽しみです。