
卒業証書授与式 / Graduation Ceremony

2024年3月1日(金)、第11回卒業証書授与式を挙行いたしました。72名の卒業生がGKAを巣立っていきました。The 11th Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday, 1st March, 2024.72 students have graduated from GKA.


【校長式辞 Principal’s speech】




人間の一生など、地球の歴史から見れば一瞬の瞬きのような出来事でしょう。一人の人間が生きている間に、その地域の気候がこれほどまでに激変したことは信じられないことです。ご存知のように、地球レベルでの気候変動は世界中で多くの災害を引き起こしています。近い将来、食糧危機やエネルギー危機に直面することは明らかでしょうか? 私たちはすでにそのような困難に直面しているのです。







Ladies and gentlemen, …good afternoon! I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for attending GKA’s 11th graduation ceremony.

I am extremely grateful to be sharing with our dear parents the great pleasure that today brings. It is the fruit of all the care and effort that parents have given in bringing up children with deep affection and encouragement to reach this momentous achievement, graduation from Gunma Kokusai Academy. Today is truly one of the milestones in life that one will always remember.

At this time of the year, we usually feel the chilly breeze of March. Japan is a country where we enjoy four seasons, which gradually change throughout the year. However, recently, the climate of Japan is sometimes said to be on the way to changing into a tropical one.

I have occasionally felt the great difference between the climate of fifty years ago and that of recent years in Gunma prefecture. When I was a little boy, the temperature sometimes didn’t go up to 30 degrees centigrade, even in August. There was no air conditioner in each house, but cool wind came in from the windows, allowing us to sleep deeply at night. In winter, all the ponds and even small rivers were frozen over. The climate around here several decades ago was completely different from that of today. To some of you, this may seem like the forgotten events of long ago, but all of this has occurred in a short time frame in geological terms.

The life of a single person is just like a blink of an eye in the history of the earth. It is unbelievable that the climate of one region has changed so drastically during the lifetime of one person. As you know, climate change at the global level has caused a lot of disasters around the world. Isn’t it obvious that we will face food and energy crises in the near future? We have already faced such difficulties.

Through the curriculum of IB education, you have learned about various global issues that will likely lead to great challenges in the future. These topics may have caused you to consider your own life and question the possibilities you will have available to you in the years to come.

However, looking back over the history of mankind, there have been quite a few situations in which communities and societies have fallen into circumstances that appear hopeless. This also can be applied to the lives of individuals. But in any situation, you can decide for yourselves what to do. You can find enjoyment and challenge in new experiences. The darker the world becomes, the brighter your light will shine.

Speaking of those looking forward to new experiences, we are proud of GKA’s graduating seniors, who will be moving on to universities and other pursuits locally and around the world after graduation. Our seniors have worked hard and prepared for the next chapter in their lives. We will miss you, but you will always be part of the GKA family.

I would like to suggest a few things that I believe are important for each of you to consider when faced with difficult situations in the future.

One is that you should have as many perspectives as possible, getting lots of necessary information not only from people around you, but also from the diverse reliable sources available to you. As you know, this is one of the important factors of critical thinking, and this habit of mind will enable you to always make informed decisions.

One more thing is to avoid becoming overly attached to your own desires or immediate interests. Too much attachment to one’s own desire can lead a person astray and cause them to make critical errors in judgment. All kinds of temptations exist today. But we must know that, in many cases, the true cause of human error comes from a place of self-centeredness.

The goal of your life, hopefully, will be to ensure that you are altruistic and empathetic people, who can feel others’ joy as your own joy, and who can sense others’ hardship as your own hardship. This perspective is what drives much of the positive change in the world. I believe people with this point of view seldom make wrong decisions and often work to have the greatest positive impact in the world.
For the graduating students, finally, I hope you will do your level best and try to improve yourself no matter how much the world seems to be changing around you. Your parents have seen you grow and develop into promising young adults, and the GKA staff has also seen your dedication and development into who you are today. Now, you have the opportunity to put all you have learned into practice as you move on toward your own aspirations, and I wish you happiness and success in the many opportunities that will come your way. May God bless you all. Thank you for listening.