
Sports Festival!! 〜KORANSEN〜 / 体育祭!! 〜紅藍戦〜

First Time at Open House Arena: Sports Festival Triumphs! / 初めてのオープンハウスアリーナ: 体育祭の大成功!

This year’s Sports Day took center stage at the Open House Arena Ota, a thrilling new venue for the event! Planned and organized by our amazing Student Council and committee members, the day buzzed with friendly competition, laughter, and school spirit.

Students across all grades participated in a variety of engaging games, including the ’n Legged Relay, Scavenger and Quiz Relay, and Obstacle Relay. The competitive spirit soared during the inter-grade Dodgebee tournament, where teams engaged in a thrilling battle.

During the lunch break, vibrant dance performances kept the energy high. The KORANSEN, a team-building activity, further fostered.

Warm congratulations to both teams for their outstanding effort and sportsmanship!

Special recognition goes to the red team for their well-deserved victory!

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to SHIP for their invaluable support!


全学年の生徒が「n Legged Relay」「Scavenger and Quiz Relay」「Obstacle Relay」など様々な魅力的な種目に参加しました。各学年のクラス対抗「Dodgebee」では、学年を超えた白熱した戦いが繰り広げられました。



