
「私たちの身のまわりの環境地図作品展」優秀賞 / Awards of Excellence at the Environment Map Contest

本校8年生の亀井瑛世さんと山田望桜さんが、「第29回 私たちの身のまわりの環境地図作品展」において、それぞれ国立環境研究所理事長賞と北海道教育大学長賞を受賞しました。


G8 Eisei Kamei and Mio Yamada received Award by the President of the National Institute for Environmental Studies and award by the President of Hokkaido University of Education respectively in “The 29th Asahikawa Children’s Environmental Map Contest 2019”.

They submitted the works which they made as a coursework of Grade 8 Social Studies. All Grade 8 students’ map project works are planned to be displayed at the Academic Fair at the end of this school year.