本校高校1年生がTOEFL iBTで116点を獲得/ One of SH Grade students 10 Scores 116 on TOEFL iBT

TOEFL iBTは海外の大学院進学の際にも用いられる、
- ハーバード大学のMBAで求められるTOEFL iBTのスコア
が109点 - 令和3年度京都大学農学部食品生物科学科の総合型選抜出願要件に
おけるTOEFL iBTのスコアが概ね80点以上( 平成29年度医学部医学科は83点)など
Ayame Mochizuki, a Grade 10 student of our school, scored 116 on the TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test).
The TOEFL iBT is the world’s standard English proficiency test with a score of 120, which is also used for graduate school entrance overseas.
- The TOEFL iBT score required for the MBA at Harvard University is 109, and
- The TOEFL iBT score required for application to the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University in 2021 is 80 or higher (83 for the School of Medicine in 2017).
She was interviewed by the Jomo newspaper about this.