Extra-Curricular Activities
Secondary school students fulfill their dreams and contribute to society by engaging in various activities outside the confines of the school walls.
Tobitate! Leap for Tomorrow! Study Abroad Initiative for High School Students

Every year, many of our students have been selected for Tobitate! Leap for Tomorrow! Study Abroad Initiative, a Japanese-Private Partnership Study Abroad Program. This ranks us near the top nationally. Nine students were selected in 2017, eight were selected in 2018 and six were selected in 2019.
High School English Speech Contest

2018 12th National High School English Speech Contest for High School Students, International School Division, First Prize
2019 Gunma Prefecture Tournament Champion and Kanto Koshinetsu Tournament participant.
2022 15th National High School English Speech Contest for High School Students, International School Division, First Prize

The Tokyo Yamathon is a charity event in which teams of two to four students walk approximately 42 km along the JR Yamanote Line, making a circuit of all its 30 stations. GKA is the official volunteer partner of the event as an operational volunteer.

Fundraising for children’s cancer support was done by setting up a lemonade stand at tournaments for the Gunma Craine Thunders professional basketball team. This was organised by grade 11 students in 2021. The group also participated in the Lion Standing Against the Wind Fund Foundation High School Student Volunteer Award in 2022 and received the Nippon Foundation HEROs Award.
Multicultural football exchange 'Diversity Futebol Match'

In 2022, Grade 11 students planned an exchange football tournament with foreigners in Ota City, where people of various nationalities live with the aim of promoting multiculturalism. Around 80 people, including foreigners from Brazil, Nepal and other countries, as well as Japanese, took part in the tournament. And activities have continued since then.
Grade 9 Community Project

In Grade 9, the culmination of the MYP program is a socially responsible project study. Students work for a community of their choice, in ways they are able, to address needs they have discovered through research. Throughout the process and in reflection, students deepen their understanding of the connections between their everyday learning and the real world, as well as their own identity.
Otan Project

To revitalise the local area of Ota City, grade11 students organised a bingo game in which they could win prizes for visiting shops in the city. With the cooperation of Ota City Hall and the city’s shopping streets, activities were organised to promote local attractions.