
G6: Australia Study Trip・G6: オーストラリア短期留学

Ninety-three Grade 6 students returned from a 2-week study abroad program in Australia. The 11- and 12-year-olds attended 8 different schools in Perth while staying with one family each.

One of the strengths of our school is that students can easily participate in classes held at local schools without any special preparation. The children were able to overcome difficulties such as homesickness and cultural differences and create many good memories. On the last day, there were tears and tearful goodbyes from both our students and their host families.

At the age of 6th grade, our students are able to take on the challenge of spending two weeks abroad with their classmates. It was wonderful to see them encouraging each other and rejoicing when they were reunited with their friends for the first time in a long time. Well done 6th graders!


