
ロボット競技会世界大会出場 / GKA students were qualified for the World Cup of the Robot Contest


この大会は、世界最大規模の国際的なロボット競技会で、動きをプログラミングした自走型のロボットで課題をこなすものです。初等部時代から挑戦を続けてきた3名は、4回目の挑戦で初めて日本大会を突破し、世界大会への切符を手にしました。 おめでとうございます!

Three students from G 8 and G 9 have been qualified for the World Cup of the “First Lego League” which will be held in USA in May 2019.

This is one of the biggest international robot contests in the world. In the contest, programmed self-propelled robots compete by completing the assignments. These GKA students have challenged to this contest since they were in the elementary. After their 4th try, they finally got qualified for the world cup. Congratulations!