
冬休み前全校集会校長講話 2019年12月18日 Principal’s Address at the School Assembly Before the Winter Break December, 18th, 2019

Good afternoon, everyone. Since starting this academic year in April, I feel GKA students are getting more and more active. A lot of students challenged new things such as planning events or participating in volunteer work they had never done before.
Especially by using the program called Tobitate! Ryugaku Japan, this year, several students experienced their unique programs that have surely expanded their perspectives and gave them good chances to think of what’s happening in the world deeply.
By the way, this autumn, the Rugby World Cup was held in Japan. Exciting games played by Team Japan were praised by Japanese rugby fans and people from foreign countries as well. I think lots of people became new rugby fans during the World Cup.
Probably you know well or happened to hear the phrase; “One for all and all for one” which expresses the rugby spirit. At first, I thought it means that one player is for the team and the team is for one player.
However, I’ve recently heard the true meaning of the phrase, which says, one player is for the team and the team is for the goal of the team.
So this phrase is maybe applicable to every organization, too.
In this case, it means that no matter who is superior or inferior, each one needs to fulfill each role and work together to achieve the goal of the organization, helping and respecting each other.
If we applied it to our school, it means that one teacher is for GKA and GKA is for the goal of GKA. Then, what is the goal of GKA? GKA doesn’t exist for the sake of GKA. GKA exists here for the students who are here, which means the goal of GKA is the realization of each student’s future, namely each student’s happiness.
And it can be applied to the relationship between one citizen and society. One person is for the society and the society is for the goal of society. Then, what is the goal of society? It is definitely making a peaceful and sustainable world.
For that reason, I think CAS activities should be pursued to make both each student and society grow. And I hope the spirit of CAS activities will be the core of all the activities you’ll do in your future.
Finally, I think it’s a little bit early to say but I would like to say now, have a Merry Christmas. Thank you for listening.
One for all and all for one という言葉を聞いたことがある人は多いと思いますが、ラグビー精神を表すことばとして夙に有名なフレーズです。私は、以前この意味は、「一人の選手はチームのためにあり、チームはまた、一人の選手のためにある。」という意味で理解していましたが、最近になって本当の意味は違っていると知りました。つまり、「一人の選手はチームのためにあり、チームはチームの目標のためにある。」というのです。この意味では、おそらくすべての組織にも当てはまる言葉と思いました。
これを本校に当てはめてみますと、GKAの職員はGKAのためにあり、GKAはGKAの目標のためにある、ということになります。それでは、GKAの目標とは何でしょうか? GKAはGKAという学校の名声を高めるために存在しているのではないのです。GKAは、今、ここにいる生徒のために存在しています。すなわち、GKAの目標は、生徒一人ひとりの自己実現であり、言い換えれば、生徒一人ひとりの将来の幸せのためにあると言えます。
最後に、少し早いかもしれませんが、この場で言っておきたい言葉は、Merry Christmas! です。ご清聴ありがとうございました。