
キャリア甲子園準決勝進出 / Advance to the semifinals of Career Koshien

A team from GKA made it to the semifinals of the Career Koshien.

本校では高校1年生の現代社会の授業の一環として昨年度より参加しており、本年度はピップに提案をした加藤咲磨さん、永田若菜さん、志村朱莉明さんで結成された Strike 3 が準決勝まで勝ち抜きました。
Career Koshien is the largest business planning contest for high school students in Japan, sponsored by Mynavi. This year, 6,870 students 2009 teams compete in six different companies for their plans.
The 48 teams (8 teams from each company) that pass the document and video screening will participate in the semi-finals to be held on February 14 (Sunday).
GKA has been participating in this contest since last year as part of the Contemporary Society class for 11th grade students. This year, Strike 3, which is formed by Sakuma Kato, Wakana Nagata, and Julia Shimura, who submitted a proposal to Pip, made it through to the semifinals.


私たちは、ピップ株式会社の「今後大きく変わる消費者行動の変化のなかで、スリムウォークの新しいマーケティングプランを提案せよ」という課題に対する企画を発案しました。コンテストの開催を中心とするマーケティングプランを、今回の大会のテーマである “Breakthrough” に結び付けて提案します。
As a part of a competition, we came up with a proposal for Pip with the theme being: “Propose a new marketing plan for Slim Walk in the midst of major changes in consumer behaviour”. We propose to host a competition which ties back to the concept, “breakthrough”.

準決勝大会はYouTube Liveで生放送されます。
The semi-finals will be broadcast on YouTube Live.
Parents will be sent the link later.