
オンライン・オーケストラ演奏の開催 / Online Orchestra students’ group

新型コロナウイルスによって様々な課外活動も制限されていた中、中高等部の有志生徒達が、IBプログラムにおけるCAS活動の一環として、Online Orchestra UNITE という生徒団体を立ち上げました。

While many extra-curricular were restricted due to the COVID-19, some GKA Secondary students organized a students group named “Online Orchestra UNITE” as one of their CAS Projects.


They played different instruments remotely and uploaded the music video on YouTube in order to encourage people all over the world.


Please have a look at the video below, which they spent 4 months from the planning to the edition.



Please see the message from the representative student as below.


I am Kiki Kurihara, one of the leaders of Online Orchestra UNITE. UNITE is a student organization formed by students all over Japan, and we give remote orchestral performances to people around the world through the internet. We hope that we can entertain and inspire people around the world with our music and also radiate positivity, especially during the time of the corona pandemic.

We have successfully finished our first remote orchestral performance on the 30th of July which is on YouTube right now, so please go check it out if you have time! Thank you very much for your support.

こんにちは!Online Orchestra UNITE の代表の一人である、栗原季暉です。Online Orchestra UNITE (オンラインオーケストラUNITE)とは、テレワーク演奏を行って、私たちの音楽を世界に届けている学生団体です。世界中が大変な状況にいる今でこそ、少しでも皆様に元気を与えられたらなと、思いを込めて活動をしています。GKA生の他、トビタテ! 留学JAPANの生徒など、全国の高校生・大学生が参加しています。7月30日に、私たちの初めてのテレワーク演奏を無事終えることができましたので、お時間のある方は是非みてみてください!